Now responsive design! Read on tablet or smartphone.

responsive design logoTechnique goes forward and I had to make changes to the site design. Satan’s Den is not so gloomy as before but now you can read it on screens with various resolution and it will adapt itself automatically for best view.

I will update my other sites as well.

Enjoy responsive satanism 😉


  1. Looks very nice!

    Wondering if you were going to eventually bring back your nice background and “3D-text effects” with the semi-transparencies too. That would look so awesome in a responsive design!


    I ended up doing the same thing with my personal site(s). The PHP framework I wrote for the main gateway of my site took a bit of time, but got it working, along with the responsive nav-menu. Taught myself a lot about CSS and responsive-design. Looking good here!


    1. I’d love to add those things you mentioned but I’m limited by wordpress themes and most of them have some colorful layers on the posts which cover the background partially. In my previous theme those layers were semi-transparent and that created that cool effect. If I’d buy the extensions possibilities to current theme, I might have way to edit css code to achieve desired effect but I’m not programming savvy. It takes much of my time to figure it out how to change things like that manually. have some barriers. It would be easier if I had site on my own server but at the moment is working pretty well so I leave it as it is for now.


      1. Tried to add the old background and on settings page it all looked good because I changed the font for white (on dark background). However it turned out that the color of the font won’t save from some reason and I end with dark background and dark font which is not readable. I had to revert to previous version of colors by this responsive theme.


      2. Well.

        That’s why I have my own website too. I actually have about 3 or 4 blogs around the web. The blog I have here is only a small part of my web presence. My personal website was how I taught myself web-design and styling. is very nice, but I figured I could host a website elsewhere for a bit less money and have whatever I would like on it. It probably would be a good idea to still hang on to the graphics in case you have the opportunity to use them again in another web project.

        I switched my WordPress blog to the new Responsive Theme a few months ago as I was interested in making all of my websites and blogs viewable on mobiles.

        Anyway, Blessings to you and yours!

        – Rev. Dragon’s Eye


        1. I’m currently making many changes across my all pages. I add responsiveness, create new sites, move to another domains, etc.For example, my blog is under different domain but now I link it to Satan;s Den. I also create/rewrite polish site for theistic satanists, add site for an org that I;m creating, link it with facebook and others.

          English based readers won’t see so much changes, because Satan’s Den is merely refreshed, but for polish readers, it’s a part of the bigger service for theistic satanists in my country.

          Once I thought I will do polish version of all my articles but it was too much work and I decided that people simply must learn English if they want the good stuff ;).


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